Ozuron's Terms of Service

General- You must be 18 years or older in order to purchase a commission.What I will not draw:
- Mecha (however, robot parts are negotiable).
- Overly elaborate cities or background.
- Stolen OCs.
- Underage Characters or any childish characters, diapers, water sports, scat, rape/non-consent, extreme humiliation, political content, torture and/or necrophilia.
Work ProcessI will start with 1 or 2 simple concept sketches with small variations for free. Additional sketches can be provided but at the cost of $2 USD per sketch. After the client has approved the sketch then full payment for the commission is required before proceeding any further. Once I have received the payment, I will start working on the commission.This process can take anywhere between a few weeks up to a month depending on the commission type, placement in queue, and/or the complexity of the piece (if more time is required to complete the piece, the client will be notified). During the process, I will send WIPs (in low resolution) so that the client can request any small corrections or changes; however, requesting to change the pose or redesign the character is not allowed unless the artist suggests it. The final piece will be sent in full resolution with a solid color background to the client’s e-mail.Please always provide clear and consistent visual character references of your character otherwise design commissions have extra fee due to extra concept work.Pixel Art SpecificationsAvatars are 60×60 pixels. They can be either Face or a Half-Body portrait (NOTE: It is important to know that a Half-Body portrait can reduce the detail of the face). The client will receive a full resolution of 300×300 pixels once finished. Also, larger resolutions can be requested.Full Boddy static images are 180×180 pixels with 20×20 pixels to each side as an additional frame. The client will receive the full resolution at 1000×1000 pixels, but can request the original as well (200×200). It is important to consider that depending on the pose used by the character within the space, the size of the body and facial expressions may lose details.PNG Tuber are animated half-body images. The base size is 130×180 pixels, but can be adjusted to be larger or smaller depending on the character ratio (this may affect the price). The types of animation depends on what the client is looking for such as: Idle, Breathing, Talking, etc.Animated Images (default 8-10 frames) come in the size of 150×150 pixels. The client will receive a full resolution of 750×750 pixels once finished.Additional PricingStatic: There may be additional fees on top of the base price due to the complexity of the character involved. This includes clothing, armor, accessories, robotic parts and/or overly elaborate poses. The additional fees will be $20 USD per added complexity (i.e. armor + elaborate pose = $40 added to base price); however, this will be determined after evaluation.
An image may have two or more versions with the same pose (mainly clothed or nude), but the price may vary depending on the amount of clothing the character is wearing.
Animations: Additional fees will apply depending on the complexity of the character and the objects that require animation. This includes long hair/tail/wings, movement of clothing or accessories, shiny robotic parts, additional parts added such as tentacles, hands, cum, action effects, and/or facial expressions. The additional fees will be at $50 USD per added complexity (i.e. tail movement + facial expression = $65 added to base price). Extra frames may cost between $5 to $10 USD depending on complexity and fluidity of the animation.
For Png Tuber images, each extra animated action will have diferent prices:
Blinking for free
Talking $10 USD
Breathing $50 USD *
Bouncing $80 USD *
(* The price depends on how many parts need to be animated)
Copyright and Fair UseI reserve the right to decide where, when, and whether to publish any completed commission work to any of my social media accounts. I also reserve the right to refund and/or ban a client for failure to comply with any points outlined within the Terms of Service.
The client can post and share the final piece; however, if I wish to publish the work to my Patreon first, then I ask to please wait a minimum of 1 week before sharing. The original owner of the commissioned work may use it for any personal use such as making stickers, posters, profile pictures, banners, broadcast designs, print, etc. but may not use it for commercial use.
ContactFor questions of any kind you may contact me via Twitter or Discord between the hours of 10:00-2:00 (-3 GTP). Response time may vary between 1 and 12 hours.